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I am NOT Wonder Woman

I posted this picture earlier today thinking it was quite humorous. Maybe it is--at least it was when I posted it. My caption was, " Most days I fall between Rosie the Riveter and Wonder Woman." Over the course of the evening though in conversations with my daughter and with my son--I realized this statement isn't true at all. I am NOT Wonder Woman at all--not to mention Rosie the Riveter, I'm just Lisa and imperfect in every way. All the MOM POWER in me couldn't wish or pray my son on the team he wanted to be on this year. I can't go back in time and give my daughters the extra music and dance lessons I now wish they'd had. I may be unable to put rivets back into the broken places and fractured relationships that have been slow leaks over the years. But God can. He never intended for me to be Wonder Woman, Rosie the Riveter or anyone else for that matter. He fashioned me to be just the way I am--flaws,  shortcomings and all. God made me with a God sh...

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